Tuesday, November 29, 2011

The Lost Community

This isn't another left-winged, right-winged blog to throw yet another leaning opposition down your throat. This is just a person, viewing America as it stands now, and the sense of a community dividing against itself. This is the beginning of a revolution. No revolution starts peacefully.

Forget the banks, the corporate conglomerates, the "do-alls" "control-alls." This is about you...the one who can barely afford your mortgage or rent...the you who sits and divides your monthly check into different envelopes to budget what little you have. This is about you, the person who used to dream as a child and truly believed you were safe and lived in the greatest country in the world. This is about YOU.

This is about US. The us in which used to work as a community. The US who used to believe giving to those less fortunate was the RIGHT thing to do. That taking care of those who could not take care of themselves was what we as a community did. This is about the US who didn't discuss whether or not it was appropriate to give families and their children healthcare coverage, food, and a place to live. We didn't ask circumstances, and were looked down at if we put prejudice against the "poor".

The lack of community and neighbor have disappeared. Instead of the person going out of their way to help you, they go out of their way to hurt you. Convinced that by helping you, they are hurting themselves. The fear-ridden, angry community that we have become. Instead of banning together in a time where banning together is needed more than ever, we strike against each other.

That is the ultimate plan, isn't it?

What better way to keep the peasants from storming your castle than to have them blaming each other?

Wake up.

You and I are the same. Whether your salary is 20k or 100k, you and I are the same. Two months away from losing everything we own...at any point.


This is only the beginning. This is the beginning of the end of the culture of America. The band of brotherhood is broken, the trust of sisterhood is lost. Chivalry is dead.

But we can fix, restore, and revive.

This is only the beginning.